a blessing for Palm Sunday

Jesus, from that mountain
high among the olive trees,
it would have been an easy walk
down to the city,
to Jerusalem, which lay below.

So why choose to make your way
on a donkey,
on an everyday beast of burden,
your feet almost dragging on the ground?
And who are these people running, bending low,
to spread their precious cloaks
on the road before you,
waving palm branches and shouting,
“Save us! Hosanna to the Son of David!”?
What is the raw and urgent hope that rises in their songs?
“Blessed is he who comes
in the name of the Lord!”
And, Jesus, why are you smiling?

Because it is true what they are saying,
though they can’t yet know the whole of it.
It is happening. It is unfolding
in slow motion,
the fulfillment of that promise from of old:
their savior would come,
humble, and riding on a donkey.

Blessed are we, on this side of history
shouting, “Come, Lord, save us too!”
We know how it ends, and still we forget
to rush toward our humble,
forgettable king
and yell, “Hosanna, hosanna,
our hope is in you!”