a blessing for the advent of peace
God, we are waiting,
we are longing for You,
O Prince of Peace.
Come, desire of nations,
and bring your reign over this whole earth
God have mercy.
Christ have mercy.
Spirit have mercy.
My peace I give to you;
not as the world gives do I give to you.
Let not your heart be troubled,
neither let it be afraid.
John 14:27
God have mercy.
Christ have mercy.
Spirit have mercy.
Blessed are we who look to You
and say God, truly, we are troubled and afraid.
come govern our hearts and calm our fears.
Blessed are we who ask You for wisdom,
show us what to turn from, what to set aside.
come Lord, that we might see You,
move with You, keep pace with You.
Blessed are we who ask that this advent
we might dwell together quietly in our homes.
come Lord, that we might be for others
the peace they cannot give.
And blessed are we who ask You Lord to be for us
the wonder that the world cannot give,
come Lord. flood us with the hope
and love and joy of Christmas peace
God have mercy.
Christ have mercy.
Spirit have mercy.
Alleluia, Christ has come.
and will come again, in glory.
For this is what the LORD says:
I will extend peace to her like a river,
and the wealth of nations like a flowing stream.
Isaiah 66:12