a blessing for getting unstuck
God, I am in the wrong place and I know it, but I can’t get out.
I do not understand the mystery of grace — only that it meets us where we are and does not leave us where it found us.
― @annelamott
Blessed are the poor in spirit,
ready to say: I have no idea how I got here,
or how to get out of this stagnant place,
but I do know I am ready for more light, more truth, more grace.
God, let it be only You that moves me
to where love and beauty can reach me.
Let it be Your power and none other
that animates each step.
Lead me to where I can grow
And send down roots into truth I can trust,
To where love lives
and beauty is awake.
Let your heart seek the one good step. And the next. Movement. That is the way.
You cannot think a spiritual muddle clear, you have to obey it clear.
Oswald Chambers